Service to Others

Share the Love

Share The Love

Expand Your Heart Center

Share the Love

When we focus on growing our own heart center to the point of overflowing, then sharing that love comes easily and naturally.  The more you breathe in God’s pure love into your heart, you’ll see problems go away, stress dissolves and life becomes easier day by day. We encourage you to heal, cleanse and empower your heart chakra daily and envision this powerful golden light energy emanate from you to the people in your life who could use your heart charged prayers.  Even people you don’t know or are hours away. We call this sharing the love, holding space for one another, sending light & love, and praying for others. Let your love flow and help raise the vibration of the planet!

Give Unconditionally

Pass It On

Giving and receiving is the same energy that flows through our essence and our life experiences.  This energy is in all things, tangible like money and intangible like relationships or perspectives & beliefs. Open your mind and heart to this and discover how giving unconditionally in your daily adventures will open up your ability to receive more blessings also.  Put your ego aside and give without recourse or expecting anything in return. Give anonymously. Give whole heartedly. Give repeatedly. And of course be willing to receive other’s gifts of all varieties (time, words of appreciation, gifts, services, hugs, compliments, praise, encouragement, etc.) and share with the giver your genuine thankfulness. Being in a state of appreciation and gratitude opens your energy up to more blessings. You do not need to give in order to receive but this flow of love energy is life changing and can quickly become a way to a more heart centered and peaceful life. Simply put, passing on your love through Acts of Kindness each and every day to everyone!

Pass It On
Live Out Loud


Live Out Loud

Take sharing the love to another level. As you start to awaken and discover new ways to see things in the world around you, tell others about it, too. The process of awakening is different for everyone and knowing that others are on a similar journey is powerful.  Most importantly, when you start talking about your spiritual development with others, you start to solidify your own perspectives and own those new beliefs more.  So don’t be shy and tell others about the new life you are discovering in all things spiritual. We encourage you to seek out new topics and ancient wisdoms and tell others often, especially on social media.

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“The positive energy and love we give to others, heals our own wounds.” – Angie Karan